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Monday, September 29, 2008

Stephanie Meyer - Twilight

The Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer has been EXTREMELY popular. I have not had a chance to read it but it has been praised by both high school students and adults. The waiting list is long for any book in this series so I will not be able to read it any time soon, so please tell me about it!!! I want to hear what you think of it. What is your favorite part? Who are the characters? Why do you like it? PLEASE SHARE!


Anonymous said...

I liked "Twilight" because it put a normal person in an extrordinary situation. Bella was a quite average girl just like me, who fell in love with a handsome vampire, Edward. The book had suspence and action, with just enough romance, which is why it appeals to such a large audience.

Anonymous said...

It's descriptions like that one that make it where I can't wait to read the book. Have you ever read Mary Janice Davidson Undead and Unwed? It is the first book in her vampire series. It makes me want to laugh a lot and sometimes cry. The character is a very normal woman although her situation is not. I found myself rooting for her whenever there was a conflict. Many of the other characters are way out there, but hey that's what supernatural romance is about.