Library Events Calendar

Friday, October 12, 2007

Savings Calculator

I received a very interesting email the other day. On the State Library and Archives of Florida website there is a personal savings calculator. On this site, you can plug in how many books, movies, audios, etc. that you checkout from the library. You can also plug in how many times you use the computers, meeting room, or how many programs you attend. After you have entered the information, it will calculate the value of your library use. In other words, how much you would pay out-of-pocket for your library services if there was a charge. I played with it a little bit and it is really neat! In a vast underestimate of what I actually use, the value was $3,108. There is a link that lets you know how the figures were calculated so you know whether the amounts used are reasonable. Try it out and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the coolest thing ever. I'm going to share it with my professors and my classmates. Thanks for sharing.